"The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you." John 14:26

Sunday, August 31, 2008


Wow last night was so awesome. It was wonderful to get a chance and get together and discuss the book Safely Home. We ate yummy Chinese food, we prayed, and we worshiped the Lord together.

It was so cool to pass our prayer bracelets, knowing the guy who requested us to wear them was arrested and persecuted during the Olympics himself. What an honor to be able to team up with him in prayer for the underground churches in China.

“Remember the prisoners as if chained with them—those who are mistreated—since you yourselves are in the body also.” Hebrews 13:3

What can we do to help the persecuted Christians in China?

Quan, in Safely Home, says, “Tell them if they wish to help, send us Bibles. And pray for us. Pray that those witnessing our suffering will see that Zhu Yesu (Jesus) must be real in order to sustain us. Pray that the rotten prison food will actually taste good to us. He has performed this miracle for me many times. Pray that the rags we prisoners wear in winter will keep us warm. Pray that the beatings and torture will not weaken us, but strengthen us in our faith. And that the enemy will not overcome us and our families with despair and discouragement. Pray that the prisons across China will become centers of revival, and that Christians in registered churches will be bold, and that house churches will be invisible to the police but visible to everyone else. Pray that our sons and daughters will not be ashamed of their fathers and mothers in prison.” pg. 354

For information on how to send Bibles visit:


To pray for prisoners visit:


For info about Safely Home visit:


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

16 Year Old Expelled for Being Christian

Here is a story of a young girl, Azerbaijan, who was recently kicked out of school for standing up for her faith in Jesus. She chose to share the truth even though it cost her. I am in awe of her courage and commitment to Jesus.

The four children listened to the pastor visiting their home in Azerbaijan. The pastor explained to the children’s father how Jesus saves people from sin.

But the children were not really paying attention, except for the youngest daughter, Sara. Sara was amazed at the pastor’s story of salvation. She did not want to miss a word.

Trouble at School

Sara decided to follow Jesus and accept His offer of salvation. She could not keep silent about her new faith! That is what got her in trouble.

One day, when Sara was 16, she talked about her faith in school. Her teacher said, “All the other students follow Muslim traditions. But you do not!”

Sara was silent.
A friend of Sara’s stood up. But he did not help her. Instead, he scolded her and told her that her faith was wrong and that Islam was right. (Islam is the religion of Muslims.)

Another student stood up and tried to make peace. He said that one student was calling people to Islam, and Sara was calling people to Christianity. The “peacemaker” said both of them were calling people to God, so both were fine.

The classroom was quiet. The problem seemed to be solved.

Then Sara said quietly, “That’s not right.”

“What’s not right?” asked the surprised teacher.

Sara answered, “Jesus said, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life.’ No one can come to God except through Jesus. I do not accept any other way.”

“Go away!” the teacher said to Sara. “Go away now!”

Sara ran out of the room.

On Monday when Sara returned to school, the teacher sent her to the principal. Sara told the principal about her faith.

“I am older than you,” said the Muslim principal. “I know more than you do.”

“God reveals Himself to people of all ages,” said Sara.

“You talk way too much!” the principal said. Then he kicked her out of school for good.

Sara cried as she left the school. On the way home, she met a Christian from her church and told him what happened. “The Lord is above all,” said her friend. “I know He will be with you.”

A worker from The Voice of the Martyrs visited Sara in Azerbaijan and encouraged her. “What do you want to do when you grow up?” he asked her.

“I want to love God,” Sara answered.

Ask God to continue to encourage Sara. Pray that school teachers and principals who do not know Him will open their hearts to His love.

Monday, August 18, 2008

China Confiscates Bibles from American Christians

The Lord is so amazing how He has directed us to read Safely Home this summer, the summer of the 2008 Olympics in China. This book has totally opened our eyes to what is going on right now, behind the scenes in China for the believers there. And I have totally been praying for the persecuted Christians as our attention has been focused in that part of the world.

China tells the world that they allow their people to have freedom of religion. But that is a lie. Read the following article from foxnews.com

BEIJING — A group of American Christians who had more than 300 Bibles confiscated by Chinese officials when they arrived in China is refusing to leave the airport until they get the books back, their leader said Monday.
Pat Klein said he and three others from his Vision Beyond Borders group spent Sunday night at the airport in the southwestern city of Kunming after customs officers took the Bibles from their checked luggage.
"I heard that there's freedom of religion in China, so why is there a problem for us to bring Bibles?" said Klein, whose Sheridan, Wyoming-based group distributes Bibles and Christian teaching materials around the world."

To continue the article click on the link below


And please remember to pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ, who live in China. Believers who daily risk their lives to possess a bible and worship our Lord.

We will finish our Summer Book Club on Saturday night, August 30 with EPICgirls CHINA NIGHT. We will watch a movie about missions, worship, pray, eat and get ready to begin a new year of school.