"The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you." John 14:26

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Reading the Book of James

It looks like the lock in was so much fun!!!
Anyways, I am so excited that we are reading James this week. I have some questions that I want you to really think about as you go through your week.

· November 18-- Read James 1:26 and consider your own speech. Are you able to control your tongue? Do you struggle with gossip? Self promotion/self defense? Twisting the truth to get of the hook?

· November 18— Think about James 2:1-6. Pray about it. Do you judge people based on how they look? Do you try not to associate with people that are not as cool as you? Do you desire to make friends with the cool/beautiful/fancy types? What does God think of this?

· November 19— Read James 3:1-16. James is talking about our speech again. How important do you think James thinks our speech should be? What does our speech reveal? Where does Matthew 12:34 say our words come from? So an evil mouth reveals an evil what? (ouch)

· November 19— We see James contrast human wisdom with God’s wisdom. “Bragging about good deeds or trying to look better than others isn’t wisdom, and neither is doing anything motivated by selfishness or envy.” (Cheri Fuller). Read James 3:17 and think about the difference between the wisdom that comes from heaven, with the attitudes you see in other students and your teachers. How is it different?
If you guys need prayer this week, let me know.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Today is the day that we can join with believers all over the world praying for our persecuted brothers and sisters. Even as some of you have gotten a taste of persectution (choosing to take a stand for marriage), we need to pray for those who are going through much harder things.

International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church: November 9

BARTLESVILLE –The Voice of the Martyrs is calling on Christians worldwide to set aside Nov. 9, to pray for Christians around the world living daily under the threat of persecution as a part of the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP).

VOM will join hundreds of churches and thousands of individuals in remembering our brothers and sisters suffering around the world. These believers risk discrimination, imprisonment and even death because of their active witness for Jesus Christ.

"This is an important day in the church calendar," said Todd Nettleton, VOM’s Director of Media Development. "Scripture instructs us to remember those in bonds as though we were bound with them. This special day of prayer is one of the ways corporately we do that."

Christians are encouraged to pray for continued boldness and courage for believers as they share the gospel and for hearts to be softened to the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray not only for persecuted Christians, but for the persecutors as well.

I also wanted to add an update about Pastor "Bike." He is the one who had the idea for us to wear our "Pray For China" bracelets. Please continue to pray for the Chinese Christians, as persecution has gotten even worse since the Olympics.

U.S. Department of State Gravely Concerned by China’s Harassment of Pastor "Bike" Zhang

UPDATE: The U.S. Department of State released a statement detailing its serious concern about the brutal beating of Pastor "Bike" Zhang's sons by China's Public Security Bureau (PSB) on October 23. They also condemned the harassment and recent imprisonment of Pastor Zhang by the PSB.

"We are gravely concerned by the brutal beating of Pastor Zhang "Bike" Mingxuan's two sons by public bureau officials. We are also deeply concerned by continuing official harassment of Pastor Zhang, a prominent Beijing house church leader, including his arbitrary detention and the forced relocation of his family," said Robert Wood, The U.S. Department of State, Deputy Spokesman in a press release.

Wood's statement called on the Chinese government to release Pastor Zhang and permit his family to return home. "We call upon the Government of China to condemn the violent acts committed against his [Pastor Zhang's] sons, and to bring to justice those individuals responsible for such acts," the statement said. "We are concerned about a pattern of intimidation of religious freedom and rule of law advocates and their family members. We urge China to honor those international human rights instruments to which it is a signatory that protect the rule of law, freedom of expression and freedom of religion."

On October 16, PSB officials severely beat Zhang Jian, the elder son of Pastor Bike, after they entered Pastor Bike's home, secured the exits. The officers beat him with iron bars for nearly half an hour. As Zhang lay bleeding profusely, his mother called an ambulance. The receptionist told her a higher government authority had directed them not to dispatch an ambulance to rescue Zhang because he is related to Pastor Bike. Xie Fenglan next called her younger son, who rushed to the house. Authorities also then beat him.

"We are encouraged to see the U.S. government speaking out on behalf of this persecuted Christian family," said Todd Nettleton, VOM's director of media development. "We join with the State Department in calling on the Chinese government to release Pastor Zhang and to allow his family to return to their apartment."

This incident is the latest attempt by the Chinese government to stop Pastor Bike and his family from sharing the gospel in China. In August, two days before the Olympics, Pastor Bike was arrested along with his wife and a co-worker. The Voice of the Martyrs and China Aid Association launched an international petition drive advocating for their release. More than 58,000 people signed the petition, and it was delivered to Chinese Ambassador Zhou Wenzhong in Washington D.C. Shortly after the petition was circulated and the Olympic Games ended, all three were released.

VOM encourages you to pray for the release of Pastor Bike and the speedy recovery for his sons. Ask God to protect and encourage them and all believers in China during this challenging time.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Pastor David's Study-- Marriage and Prop 8

Hi girls, I wanted to post a link to Pastor David's teaching from Sunday November 2.

Go to http://www.calvaryccv.org/

Click on "Recent Messages"

Select: "Sunday and Wednesday service messages taught by Pastor David Rosales at Calvary Chapel Chino Valley"

Click on "What is Marriage"

It is such a great teaching.