"The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you." John 14:26

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Summer Book Club

We are going to be starting a summer book club, where we will read an inspirational Christian fiction novel. Right now we are looking at two books to read.

One is longer, it is called Safely Home by Randy Alcorn. This novel is about the true life persectution that is going on right now on the church in China. This book comes highly recommended and it has been referred to as "life changing."

The other book is a bit shorter, but still quite moving. It is a novella by Francine Rivers called "Unafraid" about the life of Mary.

I think this would be easy for you to relate to because it helps you to see Jesus' mom as a young girl who was a lot like many of you, and it helps you think about what it would have been like to hold the Messiah in your arms as your Child and your Savior.

I would like your input on which book sounds more interesting to you right now. So if you are planning on being part of our book club, take a second to vote on which one you would prefer or let me know when I see you.

Love you.

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