The book I read to you out of tonight is called Learning to Pray, by K.P. Yohannan. It is available for free online.
Click Here
The introduction to the book follows below:
How often have you heard someone say, "I will pray for you" or ask, "Please pray for me"? Of the thousands of letters I receive, a significant number of them always have some kind of prayer request included.
The need for prayer is felt in all aspects of our lives. Whether it has to do with our families, children, education, daily needs, ministry, relatives, friends or the many other concerns that can fill our days, the necessity of prayer is always present.
But despite that, the question remains: Do we honestly take time to pray? If we do pray, how much time do we really spend in prayer? We may spend hours each day talking to friends and family members about the things in our lives, but do we even spend at least one hour with the Lord in prayer, talking with Him?
I believe our lack of prayer is because so few of us truly know how to pray. I know that in the early days of my Christian life, I had no clue what prayer really was. I would close my eyes, and in a few short minutes, I would run out of things to say. It wasn’t until learning from older brothers and sisters in Christ, as well as from books on prayer, especially those of E.M. Bounds, that I began to grow in my prayer life.
May this booklet serve to give you the beginning steps for building your life on the solid foundation of prayer. And may the Lord use this to help you come near to Him and be a child again, simply talking to your Father. He is waiting for you.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
More On Spiritual Gifts
Below I posted some articles from Don Stewart on Spiritual gifts. I know that some of you have been praying about your spiritual gifts, so I thought I would post some links that might confirm to what the Lord is already revealing to you.
The Holy Spirit is the One who decides what gifts you get, not a quiz on the Internet. But it doesn't hurt to take a spiritual gifts quiz to see if it confirms what He might already be saying to you. In fact, it might show you something surprising. Then you need to pray and have the Holy Spirit confirm that, or show you where you might have answered wrong. Here is an online Spiritual Gifts Test. My advice to you is to be completely honest. If you don't like telling strangers about Jesus, don't try and be nice, just say so! Go with your first impression. Also, at the end of the test you will see your top 3 scores, but click under those results so you can see how you measured up in all the categories. You might have strong scores in more than 3 gifts.
I also want to give you the link to Acts-One-Eight. This is the ministry of Jim and June Hesterly. He has worked for Pastor Chuck Smith for many years and his audio downloads offer much wisdom and experience in this area. Topics include the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Four Ways God Speaks to Us, Battling Through Prayer, Discovering Your Gifts, as well as topical teachings on specific gifts. I have enjoyed many evenings with a cup of coffee, listening to these exciting teachings. Make sure you listen to the teachings about the gifts you might posses!
Don't leave your gifts unwrapped! God has given them to you so open them and use them!!!
The Holy Spirit is the One who decides what gifts you get, not a quiz on the Internet. But it doesn't hurt to take a spiritual gifts quiz to see if it confirms what He might already be saying to you. In fact, it might show you something surprising. Then you need to pray and have the Holy Spirit confirm that, or show you where you might have answered wrong. Here is an online Spiritual Gifts Test. My advice to you is to be completely honest. If you don't like telling strangers about Jesus, don't try and be nice, just say so! Go with your first impression. Also, at the end of the test you will see your top 3 scores, but click under those results so you can see how you measured up in all the categories. You might have strong scores in more than 3 gifts.
I also want to give you the link to Acts-One-Eight. This is the ministry of Jim and June Hesterly. He has worked for Pastor Chuck Smith for many years and his audio downloads offer much wisdom and experience in this area. Topics include the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Four Ways God Speaks to Us, Battling Through Prayer, Discovering Your Gifts, as well as topical teachings on specific gifts. I have enjoyed many evenings with a cup of coffee, listening to these exciting teachings. Make sure you listen to the teachings about the gifts you might posses!
Don't leave your gifts unwrapped! God has given them to you so open them and use them!!!
What Are Your Spritual Gifts?
Don Stewart, on Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts:
Everyone has at least one spiritual gift. How can someone discover his spiritual gift or gifts.
The Bible does not give us any formula for finding out what the spiritual gifts might be, yet there are certain things we can do.
Find Out The Gifts Available
First, one must find out what spiritual gifts are available. There are four passages of Scripture that lists the gifts (1 Corinthians 12:8-11,28-30; Romans 12:4-8; Ephesians 4:7-12).
Pray For Guidance
Once the believer recognizes what gifts are available, he should then pray for God to show him his particular gift or gifts. The Bible encourages us to pray for guidance:
Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened (Matthew 7:7,8).
James wrote, "You do not have because you do not ask" (James 4:2).
Step Out In Faith
We should exercise, by faith, the gift or gifts we feel God has given us.
But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must first believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6).
Get Feedback From Others
Once we start exercising our gifts, we should get feedback from others to see if we are edifying the body of Christ.
But the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the profit of all (1 Corinthians 12:7).
In exercising his spiritual gifts, the believer should realize that he has at least one spiritual gift and may have more than one but he does not possess all of them. His gift is essential to the smooth functioning of the body of Christ.
Not Relieve Responsibility
Furthermore, the lack of a certain gift in a believers life does not relieve him from the responsibility to obey the general commands of God. For example, all of us are told to give (1 Corinthians 16:2) whether or not we have the gift of giving. Every believer is encouraged to show mercy (1 Thessalonians 5:14) though he may not have the gift of mercy. Likewise we are all instructed to evangelize (Acts 1:8) though we all do not possess the gift of an evangelist.
To discover his spiritual gifts the believer should:
1. Find out what gifts are available.
2. Be available to receive.
3. Pray for Gods guidance.
4. Step out in faith.
5. Get feedback from others.
Everyone has at least one spiritual gift. How can someone discover his spiritual gift or gifts.
The Bible does not give us any formula for finding out what the spiritual gifts might be, yet there are certain things we can do.
Find Out The Gifts Available
First, one must find out what spiritual gifts are available. There are four passages of Scripture that lists the gifts (1 Corinthians 12:8-11,28-30; Romans 12:4-8; Ephesians 4:7-12).
Pray For Guidance
Once the believer recognizes what gifts are available, he should then pray for God to show him his particular gift or gifts. The Bible encourages us to pray for guidance:
Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened (Matthew 7:7,8).
James wrote, "You do not have because you do not ask" (James 4:2).
Step Out In Faith
We should exercise, by faith, the gift or gifts we feel God has given us.
But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must first believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6).
Get Feedback From Others
Once we start exercising our gifts, we should get feedback from others to see if we are edifying the body of Christ.
But the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the profit of all (1 Corinthians 12:7).
In exercising his spiritual gifts, the believer should realize that he has at least one spiritual gift and may have more than one but he does not possess all of them. His gift is essential to the smooth functioning of the body of Christ.
Not Relieve Responsibility
Furthermore, the lack of a certain gift in a believers life does not relieve him from the responsibility to obey the general commands of God. For example, all of us are told to give (1 Corinthians 16:2) whether or not we have the gift of giving. Every believer is encouraged to show mercy (1 Thessalonians 5:14) though he may not have the gift of mercy. Likewise we are all instructed to evangelize (Acts 1:8) though we all do not possess the gift of an evangelist.
To discover his spiritual gifts the believer should:
1. Find out what gifts are available.
2. Be available to receive.
3. Pray for Gods guidance.
4. Step out in faith.
5. Get feedback from others.
What Are Spiritual Gifts?
Don Stewart, on Spiritual Gifts
Before we examine the subject of spiritual gifts, we need to have an understanding of what they are. Though the Bible does not give a definition of spiritual gifts, it does tell us much regarding their nature and function. The word normally translated "gift" in the New Testament is the Greek word charismata. The word means "gifts of grace" and refers to the gifts or special abilities God has given believers through the Holy Spirit.
Not The Holy Spirit
Spiritual gifts, or the gifts of the Holy Spirit, are not the same as the gift of the Holy Spirit. There are many gifts of the Spirit, but there is only one Holy Spirit. The gift of the Holy Spirit is received the moment a person trusts Christ as Savior. Simon Peter said to the multitude on the Day of Pentecost:
Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38).
Not Human Talents
Spiritual gifts are abilities God gives the believer for the purpose of service. They are not human talents. Human talents are inadequate to do the work of God.
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:3,4).
Spiritual gifts are either supernatural abilities that God has bestowed on individuals, or God-given natural abilities that function through the direction of the Holy Spirit. Gifts such as miracles, tongues, healing, and prophecy are supernatural in origin. Other spiritual gifts, such as teaching, administration, and helps, are God-given abilities to perform a particular role in Gods program. Though nonbelievers may have the same abilities, they do not function under the direction of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit takes these God-given abilities and uses them for His purposes in the lives of believers. Therefore, the gifts of the Spirit are abilities, either natural or supernatural, given by God for the work of the ministry.
The Bible says that all gifts ultimately have their source in God.
Every good gift and perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning (James 1:17).
Not The Fruit Of The Spirit
The gifts of the Spirit are not the same as the fruit of the Spirit. The gifts of the Spirit have to do with service while the fruit of the Spirit has to do with character.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law (Galatians 5:22,23).
Spiritual gifts are the means; spiritual fruit is the end. Gifts are what the believer possesses, but the fruit of the Spirit is what the believer becomes. Spiritual gifts will someday cease, while spiritual fruits are permanent.
Gifts Are Not Offices
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are not the same as the various offices mentioned in the New Testament: the office of apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher, elder, and deacon. Those who occupy such offices should possess the spiritual gift that goes with it. Yet a person can have the gift - of prophecy or teaching, for example - without occupying the office of a prophet or teacher.
Classification Of Gifts
The Bible lists the gifts of the Spirit in four different portions of Scripture: Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, 1 Corinthians 12:28, Ephesians 4:11. They have been classified in many different ways, but we will examine them in three groups:
1. Ministering Gifts: The gifts of an apostle, evangelist, pastor, teacher, exhorter, and discerner of spirits; the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge.
2. Serving Gifts: The gifts of ministering, giving, ruling, showing mercy, and displaying faith.
3. Sign Gifts: The gifts of prophecy, healing, miracles, tongues, and interpreting tongues. These gifts are not necessarily in order from the greater to the lesser. Some of the gifts overlap, and this list is not meant to be taken as complete. There may be many more spiritual gifts than these listed here.
Summary To Spiritual Gifts
We conclude concerning spiritual gifts:
1. A spiritual gift is a supernatural ability given by God to the believer for the purpose of serving.
2. A spiritual gift may be a God-given talent that is directed by the Holy Spirit. It is not a mere human talent.
3. A spiritual gift is not the same as the gift of the Spirit. 4 . Spiritual gifts are not the same as the fruit of the Spirit.
5. The Bible teaches that the offices of the Holy Spirit are different from the gifts of the Spirit. A person may possess a gift without holding the corresponding office.
6. The Bible lists about twenty spiritual gifts but there may be many more. Every believer has a spiritual gift.
Before we examine the subject of spiritual gifts, we need to have an understanding of what they are. Though the Bible does not give a definition of spiritual gifts, it does tell us much regarding their nature and function. The word normally translated "gift" in the New Testament is the Greek word charismata. The word means "gifts of grace" and refers to the gifts or special abilities God has given believers through the Holy Spirit.
Not The Holy Spirit
Spiritual gifts, or the gifts of the Holy Spirit, are not the same as the gift of the Holy Spirit. There are many gifts of the Spirit, but there is only one Holy Spirit. The gift of the Holy Spirit is received the moment a person trusts Christ as Savior. Simon Peter said to the multitude on the Day of Pentecost:
Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38).
Not Human Talents
Spiritual gifts are abilities God gives the believer for the purpose of service. They are not human talents. Human talents are inadequate to do the work of God.
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:3,4).
Spiritual gifts are either supernatural abilities that God has bestowed on individuals, or God-given natural abilities that function through the direction of the Holy Spirit. Gifts such as miracles, tongues, healing, and prophecy are supernatural in origin. Other spiritual gifts, such as teaching, administration, and helps, are God-given abilities to perform a particular role in Gods program. Though nonbelievers may have the same abilities, they do not function under the direction of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit takes these God-given abilities and uses them for His purposes in the lives of believers. Therefore, the gifts of the Spirit are abilities, either natural or supernatural, given by God for the work of the ministry.
The Bible says that all gifts ultimately have their source in God.
Every good gift and perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning (James 1:17).
Not The Fruit Of The Spirit
The gifts of the Spirit are not the same as the fruit of the Spirit. The gifts of the Spirit have to do with service while the fruit of the Spirit has to do with character.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law (Galatians 5:22,23).
Spiritual gifts are the means; spiritual fruit is the end. Gifts are what the believer possesses, but the fruit of the Spirit is what the believer becomes. Spiritual gifts will someday cease, while spiritual fruits are permanent.
Gifts Are Not Offices
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are not the same as the various offices mentioned in the New Testament: the office of apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher, elder, and deacon. Those who occupy such offices should possess the spiritual gift that goes with it. Yet a person can have the gift - of prophecy or teaching, for example - without occupying the office of a prophet or teacher.
Classification Of Gifts
The Bible lists the gifts of the Spirit in four different portions of Scripture: Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, 1 Corinthians 12:28, Ephesians 4:11. They have been classified in many different ways, but we will examine them in three groups:
1. Ministering Gifts: The gifts of an apostle, evangelist, pastor, teacher, exhorter, and discerner of spirits; the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge.
2. Serving Gifts: The gifts of ministering, giving, ruling, showing mercy, and displaying faith.
3. Sign Gifts: The gifts of prophecy, healing, miracles, tongues, and interpreting tongues. These gifts are not necessarily in order from the greater to the lesser. Some of the gifts overlap, and this list is not meant to be taken as complete. There may be many more spiritual gifts than these listed here.
Summary To Spiritual Gifts
We conclude concerning spiritual gifts:
1. A spiritual gift is a supernatural ability given by God to the believer for the purpose of serving.
2. A spiritual gift may be a God-given talent that is directed by the Holy Spirit. It is not a mere human talent.
3. A spiritual gift is not the same as the gift of the Spirit. 4 . Spiritual gifts are not the same as the fruit of the Spirit.
5. The Bible teaches that the offices of the Holy Spirit are different from the gifts of the Spirit. A person may possess a gift without holding the corresponding office.
6. The Bible lists about twenty spiritual gifts but there may be many more. Every believer has a spiritual gift.
Friday, December 18, 2009
The Christmas Spirit: Humble Beginnings
Here is another devotion from the book Kari got me "Voices of the Faithful" -- a book of devotions written by missionaries around the world. I actually want to post both the one from today and the one from yesterday. I don't know if I will have time to type out both right now, so I am going to just start with the one from yesterday.
Love ya!
Humble Beginnings
"Your attitude should be the same that Christ Jesus had. Though He was God, He did not demand or cling to His rights as God." Philippians 2:5-6 (NLT)
Another language blunder, but I never imagined it would be so meaningful. It was our fourth Christmas in China, and we had recently moved from a large capital to a more remote town.
Each Christmas we made a manger out of bamboo and filled it with hay, then we wrapped a doll in a blanket and placed it in the manger in our living room. A floodlight shining on the doll's face helped remind us of the wonder of Christmas.
I explained to a Chinese guest that when Jesus was born, He was placed in a feed trough. Instead of saying the Chinese word for "manger," I accidentally used the word for "toilet." My wife quickly corrected me, and we laughed at my mistake.
Reflecting later, it wasn't stretching it to say that Jesus was born and then placed in a toilet. The trough most likely didn't smell much better, and compared to the glory He had enjoyed in heaven, a feed trough surrounded by smelly animals probably did seem comparatively like a toilet.
I realized that the sacrifices made to live in this remote town were pathetically small when compared to those that Jesus made in leaving heaven to come to earth. I was encouraged, though, to think that moving to this town was in line with the Christmas message.
Jesus left a place of comfort to seek the lost in an uncomfortable and remote place called earth. it took a language blunder to be reminded that our relocation was merely our humble attempt to follow His example.
--A worker in China
Father, it is hard to grasp that Your Son emptied Himself to be made into the likeness of man. May I never forget the price He paid for me. May I always realize that my sacrifices are nothing compared to His. Amen
Love ya!
Humble Beginnings
"Your attitude should be the same that Christ Jesus had. Though He was God, He did not demand or cling to His rights as God." Philippians 2:5-6 (NLT)
Another language blunder, but I never imagined it would be so meaningful. It was our fourth Christmas in China, and we had recently moved from a large capital to a more remote town.
Each Christmas we made a manger out of bamboo and filled it with hay, then we wrapped a doll in a blanket and placed it in the manger in our living room. A floodlight shining on the doll's face helped remind us of the wonder of Christmas.
I explained to a Chinese guest that when Jesus was born, He was placed in a feed trough. Instead of saying the Chinese word for "manger," I accidentally used the word for "toilet." My wife quickly corrected me, and we laughed at my mistake.
Reflecting later, it wasn't stretching it to say that Jesus was born and then placed in a toilet. The trough most likely didn't smell much better, and compared to the glory He had enjoyed in heaven, a feed trough surrounded by smelly animals probably did seem comparatively like a toilet.
I realized that the sacrifices made to live in this remote town were pathetically small when compared to those that Jesus made in leaving heaven to come to earth. I was encouraged, though, to think that moving to this town was in line with the Christmas message.
Jesus left a place of comfort to seek the lost in an uncomfortable and remote place called earth. it took a language blunder to be reminded that our relocation was merely our humble attempt to follow His example.
--A worker in China
Father, it is hard to grasp that Your Son emptied Himself to be made into the likeness of man. May I never forget the price He paid for me. May I always realize that my sacrifices are nothing compared to His. Amen
Friday, December 11, 2009
Eating Humble Pie : )
This weekend Kari gave me a new devotional called Voices of the Faithful, compiled by Beth Moore, that contains devotions written by various missionaries around the world. I really liked the one from December 10 and I just had to share it with you.
Eating Humble Pie
"Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus . . . And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death--even death on a cross!" Philippians 2:5, 8 (NIV).
After arriving in Latvia (LAT-vee-ah), our family began the arduous process of learning Russian. Many missionaries refer to the Russian language as the language of heaven because it takes an eternity to learn it! Day after day, month after month we spoke on the level of a 1-year old. My husband often said it was like being a message in a bottle.
At the home of the national family, we eagerly wanted to communicate, but it was impossible. So we drank tea, ate pastries and smiled a lot.
We were so needy. We couldn't open a bank account, obtain a post office box or even order a meal without a national there to speak for us. We must have seemed like children to them as they taught us how to dress, eat their foods, how to ride a city bus and how to live in an arctic climate.
During my quiet time one day, I began to reflect upon Jesus. He knew all about the heavenly Father, yet He came as a tiny infant. Being the Word Himself, He had no words with which to communicate. He was utterly helpless, dependent upon Joseph and Mary for His needs. The ones He came to serve had to serve Him as He waited day after day, year after year in order to tell us about the Father.
We could identify with Jesus. The ones we came to serve ended up having to serve us, but in the process we learned dependence upon them and upon God for all our needs.
--Cathy, Central and Eastern Europe
Lord Jesus, You understand what it's like not to be able to communicate with others about the Father. May I learn from Your humility and ask that You make a way for me to clearly share the gospel with _____________________________. Father, please give missionaries who are learning a new language a miraculous ability to grasp the grammar and pronunciation while also gaining understanding. Amen.
Eating Humble Pie
"Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus . . . And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death--even death on a cross!" Philippians 2:5, 8 (NIV).
After arriving in Latvia (LAT-vee-ah), our family began the arduous process of learning Russian. Many missionaries refer to the Russian language as the language of heaven because it takes an eternity to learn it! Day after day, month after month we spoke on the level of a 1-year old. My husband often said it was like being a message in a bottle.
At the home of the national family, we eagerly wanted to communicate, but it was impossible. So we drank tea, ate pastries and smiled a lot.
We were so needy. We couldn't open a bank account, obtain a post office box or even order a meal without a national there to speak for us. We must have seemed like children to them as they taught us how to dress, eat their foods, how to ride a city bus and how to live in an arctic climate.
During my quiet time one day, I began to reflect upon Jesus. He knew all about the heavenly Father, yet He came as a tiny infant. Being the Word Himself, He had no words with which to communicate. He was utterly helpless, dependent upon Joseph and Mary for His needs. The ones He came to serve had to serve Him as He waited day after day, year after year in order to tell us about the Father.
We could identify with Jesus. The ones we came to serve ended up having to serve us, but in the process we learned dependence upon them and upon God for all our needs.
--Cathy, Central and Eastern Europe
Lord Jesus, You understand what it's like not to be able to communicate with others about the Father. May I learn from Your humility and ask that You make a way for me to clearly share the gospel with _____________________________. Father, please give missionaries who are learning a new language a miraculous ability to grasp the grammar and pronunciation while also gaining understanding. Amen.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
We are beginning Joel and Revelation


a woman and a swarm of locusts

a little boy and swarming locusts

Looking at those pictures makes me think that the flies in Ontario are NO BIG DEAL!!! LOL This morning I was reading my Bible and I noticed that our reading for today was the book of Joel and the first few chapters of Revelation. These books are a little more challenging. And I wanted to give you some help so you don't miss out on the amazing treasures that are there for you. Chuck Smith's commentary on the book of Joel has some really helpful information. And David Guzik's commentary on Revelation 1 is also really good. I would encourage you to use a commentary like the Believer's Commentary or the Blue Letter Bible online to look up the verses that you want a better understanding of.
You can also listen to Dustin's teachings on the book of Joel. If you go to our church website, click on "Recent Messages" and scroll down the list all the way to the bottom. You will see two teachings from Dustin, the first one is called "Listen and Obey" and the second one is called "The Day of the Lord." I wish Pastor David's Revelation series was online, but you can order CD's from the bookstore. It is very good.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy your readings this week. I can't wait until Sunday, to hear what the Lord is speaking to you. If you have any specific questions, feel free to email me and I can help you.
Love ya : )
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving : )
Well, I am more stuffed than a "build a bear" right now. Dinner was amazing! This has been quite a week for our family. Not only was it Thanksgiving today, but my dear little Emma gave up her beloved binky on Tuesday night. We took her to the Build a Bear Workshop and we put her binky's inside her new "binky bear" (actually she picked out a Hello Kitty).
It has been hard for her, but it has also been a great opportunity to teach her to rely on the Lord to help her get through hard times. She has memorized Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" and she has also learned that the Holy Spirit is our comforter and that we can go to the Lord and receive comfort when we are going through hard times. That has been the best part--watching her depend on God to help her give up her binky. I am so thankful for her faith and trust in the Lord.
I hope you had a great week too, and that you enjoyed yummy food and had a blessed time with your family today.
Remember that this Sunday we begin our week of prayer and fasting. We will meet upstairs in the High School room. I am so excited!!! I can't wait to see God move in us and through us as we surrender even more of ourselves to Him this week.
I wanted to post a few links for you to check out.
Thanksgiving: A Traditional American Holiday
The Top Ten Myths About Creation (I read this the other day and it was great)
1777 Thanksgiving Proclamation
Anyways, I love you guys!
It has been hard for her, but it has also been a great opportunity to teach her to rely on the Lord to help her get through hard times. She has memorized Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" and she has also learned that the Holy Spirit is our comforter and that we can go to the Lord and receive comfort when we are going through hard times. That has been the best part--watching her depend on God to help her give up her binky. I am so thankful for her faith and trust in the Lord.
I hope you had a great week too, and that you enjoyed yummy food and had a blessed time with your family today.
Remember that this Sunday we begin our week of prayer and fasting. We will meet upstairs in the High School room. I am so excited!!! I can't wait to see God move in us and through us as we surrender even more of ourselves to Him this week.
I wanted to post a few links for you to check out.
Thanksgiving: A Traditional American Holiday
The Top Ten Myths About Creation (I read this the other day and it was great)
1777 Thanksgiving Proclamation
Anyways, I love you guys!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Today's Study : )
Unfortunately I won't be able to join you tonight, I will be at home praying that you are blessed. Here is an excerpt from tonight's handout
from Pleasing God by Kay Smith:
When the Lord told Kay Smith that the aim of her life should be to please Him, she began to pray. Here is her account of what God showed her:
“Oh, God, just speak to my heart more about this” And then the name Enoch popped into my mind. I stopped praying and I opened my Bible and looked up Hebrews 11, where I knew Enoch was listed among the heroes of faith and read:
“By faith Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death, and was not found, because God had taken him; for before he was taken he had this testimony, that he pleased God” (Hebrews 11:5).
When I was a little girl, I learned that Enoch was a “type” or picture representative of the church. Noah was a “type” of the Jewish people that would be protected during the tribulation, but Enoch was a type of the church that would be taken up in the rapture. Enoch could easily have lived and been destroyed in God’s punishment upon the world when He brought the flood. But in Genesis 5:24, it says, “Enoch walked with God and he was not, for God took him.”
Enoch’s testimony is that he pleased God. And that shout be the testimony of the bride of Christ today— that we live to please God. It should be your testimony too.
Living this way simplifies our lives. We put many things on our “to do” lists. But only one thing is needed--“Lord, I want to please You.” This way in everything you do, from washing dishes, studying for a test, to having a conversation with a friend--people will see you live a life like Enoch.
Satan's Lies
It seems like the instant you decide you are going to live a life to please God, Satan comes along and begins putting thoughts in your mind. He will cause you to think things like, Living that kind of life will be too stifling. I’ll be bored. I’ll be unfulfilled. See those lies for what they are. Satan is the father of lies. Jesus told us that Jesus comes only to steal and kill and destroy (John 10:10). Satan wants to steal this truth form you. He wants to kill your joy and destroy the life you can have if you draw closer to God. And as you walk day by day, Satan will whisper these lies to you. Sometimes he doesn’t whisper, though. Sometimes he screams. And if this doesn’t work, Satan will discourage you and tell you that you will fail. Don’t let these lies stop you!!!
For Next Week:
Ann Kimmel told a story long ago about a young man named Chad. When Chad and his family moved to a new neighborhood he had trouble making friends. Chad was not well liked by the kids. Everyday after school, his mother would see a group of kids walking by the house chatting and laughing together, but Chad would walk all by himself down the street. It broke her heart.
One day Chad came home and said, “Mom, the teacher told us we are all going to make cards for Valentine’s Day. We have thirty-three kids in our class and I want to make one for every kid.”
Chad’s mother looked at him and imagined how much work that would be. Then she thought about how Chad probably wouldn’t get any Valentines back and he would come home brokenhearted. But his face just glowed. So she decided to help him. They spent days working on all the cards.
When Valentine’s Day came, Chad went happily off to school thrilled with his accomplishment. When the time came for the cards to be passed around, Chad received one Valentine.
Afterschool Chad came walking down the street with his head down, all by himself with one Valentine in his hand. When he came inside he smiled and said, “Mom, I didn’t miss one kid!”
That is how we are to live! Let us be so excited about serving God that we don’t even notice life’s disappointments.
Questions for Thought and Prayer:
1. According to Revelation 4:11, we were created for God’s pleasure. If we choose to please ourselves in place of God, what will result?
2. Why does Hebrews 11:5 testify that Enoch pleased God? Also refer to Genesis 5:24 to assist you in your answer.
3. Girls often look to others for approval or appreciation. Why will a fullness of joy result from pleasing God in comparison to pleasing yourself or others?
Remember to write down the verses that speak to you this week in your One Year Bible, and any ideas you have for the EPICgirls Topical Bible.
Love you.
from Pleasing God by Kay Smith:
When the Lord told Kay Smith that the aim of her life should be to please Him, she began to pray. Here is her account of what God showed her:
“Oh, God, just speak to my heart more about this” And then the name Enoch popped into my mind. I stopped praying and I opened my Bible and looked up Hebrews 11, where I knew Enoch was listed among the heroes of faith and read:
“By faith Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death, and was not found, because God had taken him; for before he was taken he had this testimony, that he pleased God” (Hebrews 11:5).
When I was a little girl, I learned that Enoch was a “type” or picture representative of the church. Noah was a “type” of the Jewish people that would be protected during the tribulation, but Enoch was a type of the church that would be taken up in the rapture. Enoch could easily have lived and been destroyed in God’s punishment upon the world when He brought the flood. But in Genesis 5:24, it says, “Enoch walked with God and he was not, for God took him.”
Enoch’s testimony is that he pleased God. And that shout be the testimony of the bride of Christ today— that we live to please God. It should be your testimony too.
Living this way simplifies our lives. We put many things on our “to do” lists. But only one thing is needed--“Lord, I want to please You.” This way in everything you do, from washing dishes, studying for a test, to having a conversation with a friend--people will see you live a life like Enoch.
Satan's Lies
It seems like the instant you decide you are going to live a life to please God, Satan comes along and begins putting thoughts in your mind. He will cause you to think things like, Living that kind of life will be too stifling. I’ll be bored. I’ll be unfulfilled. See those lies for what they are. Satan is the father of lies. Jesus told us that Jesus comes only to steal and kill and destroy (John 10:10). Satan wants to steal this truth form you. He wants to kill your joy and destroy the life you can have if you draw closer to God. And as you walk day by day, Satan will whisper these lies to you. Sometimes he doesn’t whisper, though. Sometimes he screams. And if this doesn’t work, Satan will discourage you and tell you that you will fail. Don’t let these lies stop you!!!
For Next Week:
Ann Kimmel told a story long ago about a young man named Chad. When Chad and his family moved to a new neighborhood he had trouble making friends. Chad was not well liked by the kids. Everyday after school, his mother would see a group of kids walking by the house chatting and laughing together, but Chad would walk all by himself down the street. It broke her heart.
One day Chad came home and said, “Mom, the teacher told us we are all going to make cards for Valentine’s Day. We have thirty-three kids in our class and I want to make one for every kid.”
Chad’s mother looked at him and imagined how much work that would be. Then she thought about how Chad probably wouldn’t get any Valentines back and he would come home brokenhearted. But his face just glowed. So she decided to help him. They spent days working on all the cards.
When Valentine’s Day came, Chad went happily off to school thrilled with his accomplishment. When the time came for the cards to be passed around, Chad received one Valentine.
Afterschool Chad came walking down the street with his head down, all by himself with one Valentine in his hand. When he came inside he smiled and said, “Mom, I didn’t miss one kid!”
That is how we are to live! Let us be so excited about serving God that we don’t even notice life’s disappointments.
Questions for Thought and Prayer:
1. According to Revelation 4:11, we were created for God’s pleasure. If we choose to please ourselves in place of God, what will result?
2. Why does Hebrews 11:5 testify that Enoch pleased God? Also refer to Genesis 5:24 to assist you in your answer.
3. Girls often look to others for approval or appreciation. Why will a fullness of joy result from pleasing God in comparison to pleasing yourself or others?
Remember to write down the verses that speak to you this week in your One Year Bible, and any ideas you have for the EPICgirls Topical Bible.
Love you.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
EPIC girls 2009-2010 year begins

This year we will continue in the habits that we have started and grown by— daily Bible reading, prayer, worship, sharing our faith. And we are going to add to that foundation, the strong encouragement from Kay Smith that she writes in her book Pleasing God.
The principles in her book will certainly help you clarify your priorities now in high school, as well as guide you in your plans for the future.
So many times we wonder and worry what we should be doing, and we feel guilty when we haven’t done all that we wanted to do. But we forget that we do not need to set our own expectations or meet the expectations that other people have for us, we need to only focus on God’s expectations for us. Jesus says, “Come to Me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:29.
Many times we pick up burdens that we are not supposed to carry. We want to do it all. We want to do things that other people are doing. But what does God want YOU to do?
He wants you to please Him. You were created for His pleasure.
“You are worthy, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power: for You created everything, and it is for Your pleasure that they exist and were created.” Rev. 4:11
Simplify your life! Learn what it is that you need to do, and release yourself from the pressures that stress you out and imprison you. Let us do every little thing with the desire to please Him.
EPICgirls Topical Bible
A topical Bible is a quick reference of Bible verses organized by topics. And because you are reading your Bibles every day and you have experienced God speak to you, teach you, lead you, comfort you, and help you--I would like you to make your own Topical Bible.
The first thing you need to do is come up with a list of topics that you find relevant to people your age, and then compile scriptures that address that topic. You can even include sections with commentary that help explain the verses better.
The goal is to help kids your age be able to quickly find out what the Bible says about various topics. This is your project. But we will help you compile it and bind it into a book that we can give out.
It is going to be an exciting year!
Monday, March 2, 2009
The Month of March
During the month of March EPICgirls will be meeting at 5:45 upstairs to share prayer requests and praise reports before going to the "How To Give Away Your Faith Series."
"On Sunday morning, I encouraged the church to take part in the How To Give Away Your Faith series we are having on Sunday night's. I believe that, when someone comes to faith in Jesus the most natural thing in the world is to share what has happened with others.
Sometimes people seem to be reluctant about sharing their faith. Perhaps they don't share their faith because they just don't want to be pushy, or they are shy, or are unsure of themselves. Sometimes they just aren't living for the Lord, and because of this just don't have the credibility. They know that Christians "witness" but because they are not living for the Lord, they really don't have anything to say. Their lives just undermine the message, so for them it is better not to say anything than to share while knowing themselves to be hypocrites. Though I don't encourage hypocritical witnessing, still the fact is the message is what saves you, not the messenger! When I got saved, the guy who pushed me the hardest to become a Christian backslid and has never returned to the Lord. He wasn't genuine, but the message sure was!" -- Pastor David's Blog
"On Sunday morning, I encouraged the church to take part in the How To Give Away Your Faith series we are having on Sunday night's. I believe that, when someone comes to faith in Jesus the most natural thing in the world is to share what has happened with others.
Sometimes people seem to be reluctant about sharing their faith. Perhaps they don't share their faith because they just don't want to be pushy, or they are shy, or are unsure of themselves. Sometimes they just aren't living for the Lord, and because of this just don't have the credibility. They know that Christians "witness" but because they are not living for the Lord, they really don't have anything to say. Their lives just undermine the message, so for them it is better not to say anything than to share while knowing themselves to be hypocrites. Though I don't encourage hypocritical witnessing, still the fact is the message is what saves you, not the messenger! When I got saved, the guy who pushed me the hardest to become a Christian backslid and has never returned to the Lord. He wasn't genuine, but the message sure was!" -- Pastor David's Blog
Sunday, February 15, 2009
The Resurrection
I wanted to post a link to the CARM website that has the chart showing how the four accounts of the resurrection of Jesus fit together. Since we will still be in the Gospels the next few months, you might want to check out the website as your interest leads you.
Have fun.
Have fun.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Sharing Your Faith
As we read this week Jesus asks us to go and share the Gospel with those around us. Sometimes it is so intimidating to start that conversation, and then when you do people try and turn it into an argument.
Here is a way to start up that conversation, without bringing on the terrible argument. Read what Charlie Cambell has to say about an easy way to get people to open up, non-defensively, and practially ask you to share the Gospel with them. Click on the link below:
Starting Up A Conversation With Unbelievers
Here is a way to start up that conversation, without bringing on the terrible argument. Read what Charlie Cambell has to say about an easy way to get people to open up, non-defensively, and practially ask you to share the Gospel with them. Click on the link below:
Starting Up A Conversation With Unbelievers
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Twas the Night Before Christmas Party
Dustin and Brandi's house
There is no cost to attend.
This year we are going to have a comfy-cozy family style party. We will have food, games, craft, a story time, worship, and a devotion, all while we lounge around the Christmas tree.
Our verse for the evening will be Ephesians 1:3-5
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will"
Please come in your jammie pants and bring your Bible and favorite stuffed animal.
We have a lot planned and I am so excited!!!
We are a family and the Lord has already given us the greatest gifts.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Reading the Book of James
It looks like the lock in was so much fun!!!
Anyways, I am so excited that we are reading James this week. I have some questions that I want you to really think about as you go through your week.
· November 18-- Read James 1:26 and consider your own speech. Are you able to control your tongue? Do
you struggle with gossip? Self promotion/self defense? Twisting the truth to get of the hook?
· November 18— Think about James 2:1-6. Pray about it. Do you judge people based on how they look? Do you try not to associate with people that are not as cool as you? Do you desire to make friends with the cool/beautiful/fancy types? What does God think of this?
· November 19— Read James 3:1-16. James is talking about our speech again. How important do you think James thinks our speech should be? What does our speech reveal? Where does Matthew 12:34 say our words come from? So an evil mouth reveals an evil what? (ouch)
· November 19— We see James contrast human wisdom with God’s wisdom. “Bragging about good deeds or trying to look better than others isn’t wisdom, and neither is doing anything motivated by selfishness or envy.” (Cheri Fuller). Read James 3:17 and think about the difference between the wisdom that comes from heaven, with the attitudes you see in other students and your teachers. How is it different?
· November 18-- Read James 1:26 and consider your own speech. Are you able to control your tongue? Do
· November 18— Think about James 2:1-6. Pray about it. Do you judge people based on how they look? Do you try not to associate with people that are not as cool as you? Do you desire to make friends with the cool/beautiful/fancy types? What does God think of this?
· November 19— Read James 3:1-16. James is talking about our speech again. How important do you think James thinks our speech should be? What does our speech reveal? Where does Matthew 12:34 say our words come from? So an evil mouth reveals an evil what? (ouch)
· November 19— We see James contrast human wisdom with God’s wisdom. “Bragging about good deeds or trying to look better than others isn’t wisdom, and neither is doing anything motivated by selfishness or envy.” (Cheri Fuller). Read James 3:17 and think about the difference between the wisdom that comes from heaven, with the attitudes you see in other students and your teachers. How is it different?
If you guys need prayer this week, let me know.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Today is the day that we can join with believers all over the world praying for our persecuted brothers and sisters. Even as some of you have gotten a taste of persectution (choosing to take a stand for marriage), we need to pray for those who are going through much harder things.
International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church: November 9
BARTLESVILLE –The Voice of the Martyrs is calling on Christians worldwide to set aside Nov. 9, to pray for Christians around the world living daily under the threat of persecution as a part of the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP).
VOM will join hundreds of churches and thousands of individuals in remembering our brothers and sisters suffering around the world. These believers risk discrimination, imprisonment and even death because of their active witness for Jesus Christ.
"This is an important day in the church calendar," said Todd Nettleton, VOM’s Director of Media Development. "Scripture instructs us to remember those in bonds as though we were bound with them. This special day of prayer is one of the ways corporately we do that."
Christians are encouraged to pray for continued boldness and courage for believers as they share the gospel and for hearts to be softened to the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray not only for persecuted Christians, but for the persecutors as well.
I also wanted to add an update about Pastor "Bike." He is the one who had the idea for us to wear our "Pray For China" bracelets. Please continue to pray for the Chinese Christians, as persecution has gotten even worse since the Olympics.
U.S. Department of State Gravely Concerned by China’s Harassment of Pastor "Bike" Zhang
UPDATE: The U.S. Department of State released a statement detailing its serious concern about the brutal beating of Pastor "Bike" Zhang's sons by China's Public Security Bureau (PSB) on October 23. They also condemned the harassment and recent imprisonment of Pastor Zhang by the PSB.
"We are gravely concerned by the brutal beating of Pastor Zhang "Bike" Mingxuan's two sons by public bureau officials. We are also deeply concerned by continuing official harassment of Pastor Zhang, a prominent Beijing house church leader, including his arbitrary detention and the forced relocation of his family," said Robert Wood, The U.S. Department of State, Deputy Spokesman in a press release.
Wood's statement called on the Chinese government to release Pastor Zhang and permit his family to return home. "We call upon the Government of China to condemn the violent acts committed against his [Pastor Zhang's] sons, and to bring to justice those individuals responsible for such acts," the statement said. "We are concerned about a pattern of intimidation of religious freedom and rule of law advocates and their family members. We urge China to honor those international human rights instruments to which it is a signatory that protect the rule of law, freedom of expression and freedom of religion."
On October 16, PSB officials severely beat Zhang Jian, the elder son of Pastor Bike, after they entered Pastor Bike's home, secured the exits. The officers beat him with iron bars for nearly half an hour. As Zhang lay bleeding profusely, his mother called an ambulance. The receptionist told her a higher government authority had directed them not to dispatch an ambulance to rescue Zhang because he is related to Pastor Bike. Xie Fenglan next called her younger son, who rushed to the house. Authorities also then beat him.
"We are encouraged to see the U.S. government speaking out on behalf of this persecuted Christian family," said Todd Nettleton, VOM's director of media development. "We join with the State Department in calling on the Chinese government to release Pastor Zhang and to allow his family to return to their apartment."
This incident is the latest attempt by the Chinese government to stop Pastor Bike and his family from sharing the gospel in China. In August, two days before the Olympics, Pastor Bike was arrested along with his wife and a co-worker. The Voice of the Martyrs and China Aid Association launched an international petition drive advocating for their release. More than 58,000 people signed the petition, and it was delivered to Chinese Ambassador Zhou Wenzhong in Washington D.C. Shortly after the petition was circulated and the Olympic Games ended, all three were released.
VOM encourages you to pray for the release of Pastor Bike and the speedy recovery for his sons. Ask God to protect and encourage them and all believers in China during this challenging time.
International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church: November 9
BARTLESVILLE –The Voice of the Martyrs is calling on Christians worldwide to set aside Nov. 9, to pray for Christians around the world living daily under the threat of persecution as a part of the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP).
VOM will join hundreds of churches and thousands of individuals in remembering our brothers and sisters suffering around the world. These believers risk discrimination, imprisonment and even death because of their active witness for Jesus Christ.
"This is an important day in the church calendar," said Todd Nettleton, VOM’s Director of Media Development. "Scripture instructs us to remember those in bonds as though we were bound with them. This special day of prayer is one of the ways corporately we do that."
Christians are encouraged to pray for continued boldness and courage for believers as they share the gospel and for hearts to be softened to the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray not only for persecuted Christians, but for the persecutors as well.
I also wanted to add an update about Pastor "Bike." He is the one who had the idea for us to wear our "Pray For China" bracelets. Please continue to pray for the Chinese Christians, as persecution has gotten even worse since the Olympics.
U.S. Department of State Gravely Concerned by China’s Harassment of Pastor "Bike" Zhang

UPDATE: The U.S. Department of State released a statement detailing its serious concern about the brutal beating of Pastor "Bike" Zhang's sons by China's Public Security Bureau (PSB) on October 23. They also condemned the harassment and recent imprisonment of Pastor Zhang by the PSB.
"We are gravely concerned by the brutal beating of Pastor Zhang "Bike" Mingxuan's two sons by public bureau officials. We are also deeply concerned by continuing official harassment of Pastor Zhang, a prominent Beijing house church leader, including his arbitrary detention and the forced relocation of his family," said Robert Wood, The U.S. Department of State, Deputy Spokesman in a press release.
Wood's statement called on the Chinese government to release Pastor Zhang and permit his family to return home. "We call upon the Government of China to condemn the violent acts committed against his [Pastor Zhang's] sons, and to bring to justice those individuals responsible for such acts," the statement said. "We are concerned about a pattern of intimidation of religious freedom and rule of law advocates and their family members. We urge China to honor those international human rights instruments to which it is a signatory that protect the rule of law, freedom of expression and freedom of religion."
On October 16, PSB officials severely beat Zhang Jian, the elder son of Pastor Bike, after they entered Pastor Bike's home, secured the exits. The officers beat him with iron bars for nearly half an hour. As Zhang lay bleeding profusely, his mother called an ambulance. The receptionist told her a higher government authority had directed them not to dispatch an ambulance to rescue Zhang because he is related to Pastor Bike. Xie Fenglan next called her younger son, who rushed to the house. Authorities also then beat him.
"We are encouraged to see the U.S. government speaking out on behalf of this persecuted Christian family," said Todd Nettleton, VOM's director of media development. "We join with the State Department in calling on the Chinese government to release Pastor Zhang and to allow his family to return to their apartment."
This incident is the latest attempt by the Chinese government to stop Pastor Bike and his family from sharing the gospel in China. In August, two days before the Olympics, Pastor Bike was arrested along with his wife and a co-worker. The Voice of the Martyrs and China Aid Association launched an international petition drive advocating for their release. More than 58,000 people signed the petition, and it was delivered to Chinese Ambassador Zhou Wenzhong in Washington D.C. Shortly after the petition was circulated and the Olympic Games ended, all three were released.
VOM encourages you to pray for the release of Pastor Bike and the speedy recovery for his sons. Ask God to protect and encourage them and all believers in China during this challenging time.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Pastor David's Study-- Marriage and Prop 8
Hi girls, I wanted to post a link to Pastor David's teaching from Sunday November 2.
Go to
Click on "Recent Messages"
Select: "Sunday and Wednesday service messages taught by Pastor David Rosales at Calvary Chapel Chino Valley"
Click on "What is Marriage"
It is such a great teaching.
Go to
Click on "Recent Messages"
Select: "Sunday and Wednesday service messages taught by Pastor David Rosales at Calvary Chapel Chino Valley"
Click on "What is Marriage"
It is such a great teaching.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
New School Year: First Night
This year we are reading the One Year Bible.

They were so excited.



“I rejoice in Your word, like one who finds a great treasure.” Psalm 119:162




They give new meaning to the word "letterhead"

A side of Eunice that we have never seen before.
Tara and Kathryn cutting their hair, just like in children's ministry.


Tara and Kathryn cutting their hair, just like in children's ministry.

Kathryn and Ariana 

We had a great night.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Starting a New Year!!!
I am so excited that we are starting a new year of the EPICgirls Bible Study. I know God is going to speak to us and change us in such a powerful way.
This year we are going to be going through the One Year Bible. I can't wait to share with everyone all about it.
This year we are going to be going through the One Year Bible. I can't wait to share with everyone all about it.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Wow last night was so awesome. It was wonderful to get a chance and get together and discuss the book Safely Home. We ate yummy Chinese food, we prayed, and we worshiped the Lord together.
It was so cool to pass our prayer bracelets, knowing the guy who requested us to wear them was arrested and persecuted during the Olympics himself. What an honor to be able to team up with him in prayer for the underground churches in China.
“Remember the prisoners as if chained with them—those who are mistreated—since you yourselves are in the body also.” Hebrews 13:3
What can we do to help the persecuted Christians in China?
Quan, in Safely Home, says, “Tell them if they wish to help, send us Bibles. And pray for us. Pray that those witnessing our suffering will see that Zhu Yesu (Jesus) must be real in order to sustain us. Pray that the rotten prison food will actually taste good to us. He has performed this miracle for me many times. Pray that the rags we prisoners wear in winter will keep us warm. Pray that the beatings and torture will not weaken us, but strengthen us in our faith. And that the enemy will not overcome us and our families with despair and discouragement. Pray that the prisons across China will become centers of revival, and that Christians in registered churches will be bold, and that house churches will be invisible to the police but visible to everyone else. Pray that our sons and daughters will not be ashamed of their fathers and mothers in prison.” pg. 354
For information on how to send Bibles visit:
To pray for prisoners visit:
For info about Safely Home visit:
It was so cool to pass our prayer bracelets, knowing the guy who requested us to wear them was arrested and persecuted during the Olympics himself. What an honor to be able to team up with him in prayer for the underground churches in China.
“Remember the prisoners as if chained with them—those who are mistreated—since you yourselves are in the body also.” Hebrews 13:3
What can we do to help the persecuted Christians in China?
Quan, in Safely Home, says, “Tell them if they wish to help, send us Bibles. And pray for us. Pray that those witnessing our suffering will see that Zhu Yesu (Jesus) must be real in order to sustain us. Pray that the rotten prison food will actually taste good to us. He has performed this miracle for me many times. Pray that the rags we prisoners wear in winter will keep us warm. Pray that the beatings and torture will not weaken us, but strengthen us in our faith. And that the enemy will not overcome us and our families with despair and discouragement. Pray that the prisons across China will become centers of revival, and that Christians in registered churches will be bold, and that house churches will be invisible to the police but visible to everyone else. Pray that our sons and daughters will not be ashamed of their fathers and mothers in prison.” pg. 354
For information on how to send Bibles visit:
To pray for prisoners visit:
For info about Safely Home visit:
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